Cookie Policy

​​Access to the website, whose domain is legally owned by Samos Partecipazioni s.r.l., a sole proprietorship with registered office in Rome, Via Nomentana, No. 60, VAT ID 15497961001 (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"), may involve the sending of so-called "cookies" from our servers to the user's terminals. These files allow us to obtain information about the pages visited in order to make the use of various services faster.

​Purpose and Type

​Considering the purpose of use, cookies can be classified as technical, profiling, and third-party cookies.

​Technical Cookies

​These may be used for computer authentication, session monitoring, and storage of specific information about users accessing a web page. These cookies can be useful to make web navigation and usage faster and smoother, for example, by facilitating certain procedures for online purchases or authentications to restricted access areas.

​Profiling Cookies

​Profiling cookies may aim to monitor and profile users during navigation, study their movements and web browsing habits or consumption, also, but not exclusively, for the purpose of sending targeted and personalized advertising. This site does not use profiling cookies for this purpose but uses services and other tools. These services may aggregate a lot of information anonymously and allow third-party companies to subsequently provide targeted advertising content.

​Third-Party Cookies

​These are cookies from third-party sites or servers that process Personal Data as possible data processors on behalf of the Company. Below are listed the third parties and links to their privacy policies and opt-out mechanisms. Third-party cookies are anonymized by masking IP addresses, including:
- Google Analytics: cookies that allow the analysis and improvement of the website's functioning. To disable Google Analytics cookies, you can download and install the browser add-on for opt-out provided by Google Analytics.
- WordPress functionality cookies: provided by the WordPress platform to optimize the display and language of the website. To disable WordPress cookies, you can refer to the privacy policy of the provider, available at the following addresses: e

​​To prevent this site from placing cookies on your device, you can disable and reject their use through your browser settings. If technical cookies are disabled, we do not guarantee the correct use of the services offered on the site. For further information on how to set preferences for cookie usage through your browser, please refer to the following instructions:
Internet Explorer