
​LT Advisory s.r.l. and LT Studio Legale S.T.A. a r.l., Italian legal entities, are legally independent and operate, respectively, through the brands LT Advisory – Business & Corporate Services® and LT Studio Legale e Tributario®, granted for use along with the domain www-lt-advisory.com by Samos Partecipazioni s.r.l., the sole proprietor and legitimate owner of(hereinafter, collectively called the "Companies").

Each of these Companies:

a) Declines any responsibility regarding the use of the aforementioned trademarks and the contents of this website, with particular reference to the use, also improper, by third parties, as well as any contamination resulting from access, connection, and downloading of related documents and computer programs;

b) Cannot be held responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage, harm, or suffering of any kind related to the use of the same website, its contents, or anything published therein, including links to third-party and external internet addresses;

c) Specifies that all textual and photographic content published on this website is considered the property of the rightful owner or licensor, granted for use to the aforementioned companies and cannot be used by third parties without prior authorization.

​LT Advisory s.r.l. and LT Studio Legale S.T.A. a r.l., individually:

a) As distinct legal entities, provide separate and specific privacy information in the dedicated section of the website;

b) Declare that the professionals in the team provide professional services in favor of the aforementioned companies on a freelance collaboration basis and are duly registered with their respective professional orders, as well as holders of professional liability insurance.; these companies cannot be held responsible, directly or indirectly, for activities carried out on a personal basis, and in the absence of formal assignments given to them.